Hats off to this savior!

Yet another article I want to share from Mother Nature Network.

I really don’t know how Mother Nature Network (MNN) do it! For they have a great deal of stories about dogs and a great many of them deserve sharing with you all.

Take this one. A nine-year-old Pit Bull had about as much chance of being given a loving home as I have of winning the lottery (and I don’t even enter for it!).

But that wasn’t to reckon on Michael Levitt of California. Absolutely wonderful Mr. Levitt. You are a savior!

Christian Cotroneo has the full story.


Removed because of an alleged copyright infringement.


I can do no better than to close this post with a repeat of Michael Levitt’s words: “We’re helping Toretto, but Toretto is helping us. Having this beautiful, sentient being in our home — and having to think about somebody besides ourselves — has really helped us get through the scariness of what we’re all dealing with.

Beautiful, sentient beings – our dogs!


It is a very beautiful story.

13 thoughts on “Hats off to this savior!

  1. I hope the universe treats Mr. Levitt & his partner well for fostering Toretto. What an uplifting story.


    1. Oh yes! I don’t know, Monika, whether it’s a hiccup in the scheme of life or whether we are seeing some profound changes. I guess time will tell! But thank goodness for Toretto and all dogs! They are the real world!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The older dogs are so often overlooked. Would love to start a shelter just for seniors.

        Some other news: Yesterday (in response to c-19) China released it’s revised list of what animals can be raised for human consumption. Dogs and cats are NOT on the list. The bill will be enacted in early May, so unless something happens between now and then (it’s the ‘public commentary’ phase now) the dog and cat industry will be officially illegal in China.


      2. Oh, yes! A shelter for senior dogs! At times I wish I was a younger man. So far as your other news is concerned, I guess it’s a small (meant to say ‘huge’) step forward!

        Liked by 1 person

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