Crumbling edge technology!

Loss of internet service as of 14:00 PDT 8th June.

Dear Readers and Followers,

Around 2:30pm yesterday our wireless internet service we use went down. It reveals the only disadvantage of living in a rather rural location!  It is now twenty-four hours since our service failed and not only is it still down but the provider, Outreach Internet, are not giving any indication as to the nature of the problem and when they expect to be back online.

So for the first time in approaching six years there has not been a daily post today. More to the point I am incapable of letting you know when I will back to blogging!

I’m grateful to neighbours Jim and Janet for allowing me to use their computer and internet connection to publish this post.

Hopefully normal service will be resumed before too long!

Best wishes to all,


5 thoughts on “Crumbling edge technology!

  1. Awww sorry to hear about this Paul.. seems that I have been away a week from catch ups and there are problems around with connections to various providers.. Hope you are soon back on track very soon. Hugs Sue


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