Pure love!

This article is so beautiful!

As Stephen Messenger, the author of the article, says: “It was a moment of pure awe.” I am not going to waffle on in a prelude to this story, that was taken from The Dodo, so I am going straight into it.


Animal Shelter Finds A Crate At The Door — And Most Touching Handwritten Note

“It was a moment of pure awe.”

By Stephen Messenger

Published on the 18th January, 2024

Earlier this week, staff at North Carolina’s Fayetteville Animal Protection Society arrived to find that a crate has been placed outside their door, covered in a blanket.

In an instant, their hearts sank.

“Our first thought was, ‘Oh no, not another case of irresponsible pet ownership,’” Jackie Peery, executive director of the shelter, told The Dodo. “We were bracing for an accidental litter dumped at our doorstep due to not spaying/neutering, or someone moving and not willing to bring their pet.”

Inside the crate was indeed a litter of bouncy puppies. But there was more.

“Then we saw the note,” Peery said. “It was a moment of pure awe.”

As the note explained, this wasn’t an act of abandonment.

It was an act of love.

The letter reads as follows:

“Please help! I found these puppies sadly after noticing a local stray dog that I would often feed when I could, dead by the road. She had been hit by a car. I knew from feeding her that she had puppies somewhere and after searching where I would usually see her I found them. I’m sorry for leaving them like this but I myself am homeless and cannot afford to care for them …”

“My heart shatters for them and their mother. I just want them to be given the chance their mother, like myself, was never given. Please do not think poorly of me but it felt wrong leaving them alone in the cold waiting on a mother that would not be coming home. Sincerely, nameless man.”

He’d saved them.

Reading the note, Peery was stunned.

“This nameless man made it his mission to find these puppies to ensure their safety,” she said. “He remains a mystery — our very own nameless hero.”

Meanwhile, the puppies he rescued are now thriving, thanks to him.

“When they first arrived, you could tell they weren’t in the best shape. But now, it’s a whole different story,” Peery said. “It’s like they understand they’ve been given a second chance and are just soaking up all the love and joy.”

In time, Peery has no doubt that each of the puppies will be adopted into loving homes. But she hopes the unnamed hero will make himself known so he can be the recipient of the same sort of kindness he’s shown.

“We’re keeping our fingers crossed that he comes forward,” Peery said. “There’s a whole community here ready to support him just as I have supported these puppies. It would be wonderful to thank him in person and perhaps even help him in return.”


I am almost lost for words that this event, that was written in 2024, is so beautiful.

Are there any persons who would like to adopt a puppy? Because I want to leave you with the address, email address and contact telephone number for the Fayetteville Animal Protection Society.

Email address: info@fapspet.org

The address is 3927 Bragg Blvd, Fayetteville, NC 28303.

The telephone number is +1 910 864-9040.

Thank you, Stephen!

10 thoughts on “Pure love!

  1. The saddest aspect of that entire article, to my mind, is that a homeless person feels like they are going to be shamed if they don’t apologise for doing something honest and kind. What does it say about the societal structure that this is their first thought.


    1. Totally agree with you! But then I can’t stop myself from pondering that so, so many things are wrong with the world, or more specifically with the result of humans living on it, and that doesn’t exclude yours truly and my gorgeous wife. Wars, fighting, loss of natural species, climate change, greed, homelessness, and on and on and on! I am not a naturally pessimistic person but at times I have difficulty in being optimistic. Thank goodness for dogs!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Tears… Beautiful story Paul… At the heart of most Humans is Love and compassion.. I do so hope they also find this doggy hero and help him see there is compassion for humans who are homeless too xx ❤


    1. Sue, you are quite correct; I was far too negative in my previous reply. I will try and follow this story with regard to finding the homeless person and giving him a boost if at all possible. Will report back, hopefully!

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      1. So many stories… we never know anothers story unless we have walked in their shoes.. Not all are dishonest or vagabonds who are homeless.. In todays world there should not be such a thing… We treat animals often better than we do our human brothers and sisters… .. I hope he can be traced and thanked and made to feel worthy of his actions xx ❤


      2. So true, about walking in another person’s shoes. Thank you, Sue, for engaging with me, and the readers. I have sent an email to F.A.P.S. Fingers crossed that a reply comes in.

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