
A tale from a friend of Jean.

Many years ago, when Jean was still in England, she and Jane became good friends. They still stay in touch today thanks to the modern world.

Recently, Jane sent an email that contained a lovely story of her dog, Molly. Or rather I should say Molly, that belongs to her and her husband, Al.

Here is Jane’s story.


Our beloved Molly. Re-homed, not badly treated but was a working dog. Molly’s owner had a bad accident and his life fell apart.

Got rid of his other dogs and eventually, when boarding her with my friend, asked if she knew a good home for her. We’d just lost our dog and though he’ll never be replaced it’s not a home without a dog. So a friend and I went to see her – fat, scruffy, lived in an outdoor kennel. So, she came home with us.

She’d never set foot in a house so not house trained but SO clever. She quickly learned to toilet outside and now ASKS to go out. Nudges my elbow and if I stand up but don’t act immediately she paws my leg. How clever is that. Quickly learned how to negotiate stairs and not catch birds.

She knows exactly what she’s due – treats, dinner – and you can set your watch by her.

She is the most loving little girl and loves being cuddled. The thought of her being alone in the kennel, no company, frightened in storms, cold, not knowing when she’d see anyone breaks my heart.

The only problem, probably because of erratic feeding, or maybe survival instinct and not leaving scents for predators, is she eats her own poo and out walking I keep constant check or she’ll eat others too.

She had to be spayed and they found cancer last year and that meant a further operation.


She is a scavenger and I watch her constantly to see what she’s got in her mouth – in return for giving it up she expects a reward, she quickly caught on how to get treats!

Well enough, you know all about dogs and their ways – each one unique.
Keep well xxx


 Dogs are so precious.

Thanks Jane!

12 thoughts on “Molly!

  1. Molly is adorable. There are supplements that vets can give to stop dogs from eating defecation. Usually when that happens it is due to a deficiency.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You can indeed set your watch by us. Wake up by standing on a parent in bed, first half of breakfast by 7, walk then second half by 9.30. Midday treat, 4 ok dinner courtesy of pokey paw in the leg along with stink eye, then 6 pm a couple of biscuits and 3 gravy bones before we retire to our beds around 10.

    Lenny is a scavenger to some degree. He will sniff and eat quite a few disgusting things. We think it is because he is learning as his diet is varied and as healthy as we can make it. As he becomes older we are hoping his habit of trying fox droppings will stop.


  3. What a real sweetheart. Most spaniels have that ravenous gene. Coprophagia (poop eating). It can be behavioral or it can be related to health issues although it is quite often found in sporting dog breeds.


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