Picture Parade Two Hundred and Eight

“The best laid plans of mice and men!”

The post Floor Diversion Day Three has been postponed for twenty-four hours.

Simply because yesterday morning the installers contracted by Home Depot (HD) to rip up our existing carpet and start laying the laminate wooden boarding found underneath the old carpet underlay another carpet that some time in the distant past had been glued down. Why this wasn’t spotted by the HD measuring unit when they came here to look at the project and offer an estimate for the cost of installing the new flooring is a question that has yet to be answered.

However, while the majority of HD work the full weekend the ‘Chargeback’ department do not. This department had to hear what had been discovered in order for us to know what extra costs we might be looking at!

A long-winded way of explaining why it is a pleasure to offer you a regular Picture Parade for today.

Californian Surfing Dogs!






And last but not least, a surfing goat!!

Hope to return on Wednesday!

14 thoughts on “Picture Parade Two Hundred and Eight

      1. Honestly, Paul I have no idea if hang ten is surfing slang or not. I haven’t the faintest idea of where I got that. I should have looked it up before I began commenting on your reply. It probably has no connection to surfing. Now I shall go to Google. 🙂


      2. Paul my brain runs amok fairly often, Some days I’m high functioning and my memory is dang good. Other days when I feel lower than a rat’s belly , I can’t remember very well and my concentration is the pits. I just keep ambling along though. 🙂 Depression is not a good thing.


      1. 🙂 well goats do balance well.. Having seen them on the mountain side in Canada, almost vertical they were with hardly any foot hold to speak of


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