Picture Parade Two Hundred and Forty-One

Just one very domestic, doggie scene!

Some days Jean takes an afternoon nap.

One day this last week, it was last Wednesday, Brandy decided to join Jean.

Although I tried ever so quietly to steal into the bedroom without making a noise, Brandy did notice! Of course!




Then last Thursday afternoon I took a couple more  when Brandy was sleeping on the tiled floor of our dining-room adjacent to the kitchen.

The first one is more or less a crop of the full image while the second one is greatly edited including applying some ‘sharpening’. (I use Picasa.)


Plus a couple more from earlier times!


Then the final one showing Brandy the day he was ‘rescued’ and brought home.

Brandy’s first look at his new home from the back of the car in the garage. April 10th, 2016

What a wonderful animal he is!

22 thoughts on “Picture Parade Two Hundred and Forty-One

  1. Wonderful photos Paul! Brandy is just gorgeous and huggable. He’d be on my bed too if he was here. He certainly ‘lucked out’ when you and Jean brought him home.


    1. Know where you are coming from, Margaret. But Jean and I feel that we were the ones that ‘lucked out’ when Brandy came into our home. How a dog who displays so much love and kindness was so unloved in his previous home defeats me!

      Then again, now’t so strange as folk!


    1. Sanchi, lovely to hear from you again. Thank you for your kind words. Albeit, hope you don’t mind me adding that Jean and I are both atheists. (Sincerely hope that doesn’t upset you and know that everyone that comes in peace is very welcome here!)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh sure, I don’t mind. I come from a country with several religions where we believe in “Unity In Diversity”. I’ve been taught to respect every person irrespective of their race, colour,religion,etc. I think both of you are wonderful people and Brandy is beautiful!!


      2. You special person, Sanchi! Thank you! That’s a great aspect of this blogging lark; that one makes such good friends across the miles. All united by our love for our dogs! 😍

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful ‘Brandy Snaps’ Paul and love that Jean takes a Nap most afternoons,, Makes me feel I am in good company, as I have also got into the habit. lol..
    Lovely shares Paul.. Hope you enjoyed your weekend.. A Bank Holiday Long one here,, 🙂 Take care both of you.. 🙂


    1. Dear Sue, I always love hearing from you! How are you? Anyway, just delighted that these pictures reached out to you. In the words of Jana, who house-sits when we are away: “Brandy is the most gentle and kind dog that I have ever met!” Now when you reflect on how many homes that Jana dog-sits at that is quite a compliment!

      Hope all is well with you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wonderful indeed Paul.. And yes alls well here, relaxed today a day off from the allotment.. And late here but seems the only time I get to blog catch up.. So Give Jean and Brandy a big hug from me.. So loved the pictures.. Goodnight and God Bless..


  3. Oh, Brandy is gorgeous. I think you have an ‘angel’ dog there Paul. Perhaps that is something that you can touch on in your next book… How dogs help us through the trials of illness. They are so sensitive to mood that they pick up when things aren’t quite right, even before we know ourselves.

    Brandy is giving his beautiful energy to Jean, to help her along. How beautiful. 💖💖💖


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