Book Two – Clarity at last!

This is where you all come in!!

From time to time I have let it be known that I had a second book stewing on the back burner. The title that had first come to me was: ‘Of Pets … And Of People’. The book idea and initial title had come to me from visits to our local Lincoln Road Vet Clinic where I had sat in on both Dr. Jim Goodbrod and Dr. Russel Codd as they saw pet patients. As I described it in my original post when I introduced the idea in June:

Some time ago, when we were visiting Lincoln Road, it struck me that the detail of what takes place ‘behind the counter’ of a busy vet clinic is most likely not commonly appreciated by those that visit said clinic.

I asked Russel one day if I might be allowed to spend time watching and listening to what goes on behind the scenes; so to speak. Russel said that he would be delighted for me to do that.

Dr. Jim at work



I subsequently started publishing posts under the general title of Visiting the Vet.

Back to the book.

Recently it came to me that the title was wrong. Because it didn’t speak directly to the potential reader about dogs.

So I came up with a different name: An Insight into Dogs and Owners.

Here is the Vision for this next book:

An examination of the world of the veterinary clinic including those who care professionally for our dogs and an insight into those people, from many varied backgrounds and circumstances, who have dogs in their own lives.

The first section, dipping into the extraordinary work that goes on in a modern vet’s clinic, is inspired by my belief that the majority of dog owners have very little idea of such work and the skills displayed by DVMs.

But let me move on by sharing with you the Introduction to the book. Firstly, these paragraphs:

There’s a tiny amount of domesticated wolf in all of us. The relationship between canids and humans goes back nearly 40,000 years, when dogs split away from wolves. With our dogs, we have traveled the ancient track from hunter-gatherers to modern humans. That track that in this 21st century sees us having untold numbers of dogs in our lives. In the USA alone there are: “In 2017, a total of about 89.7 million dogs lived in households in the United States as pets. In comparison, some 68 million dogs were owned in the United States in 2000.” 1

Yet a surprising number of those who have dogs as pets and are lovers of those same dogs admit to not really understanding what goes on behind the scenes in a busy veterinarian clinic. Yes, they know what happens when they take their dog to their vet but that view is almost certainly from the perspective of that dog and the specific reason why that animal had to to be seen by a vet.

An Insight into Dogs and Owners seeks to broaden the understanding of the reader to the range of treatments and procedures that are undertaken in a modern veterinarian clinic.

OK! More or less what I explained earlier on in this post.


But here’s where I do believe (fingers tightly crossed) many of you dear readers can help.

Back to the remaining part of that introduction:

But just as dogs do not live in isolation then nor do we humans. So the book sets out to explore the range of relationships that humans have with dogs. Perhaps better put as the book exploring the range of human circumstances that have led to people having a dog in their life. The homeless, those disabled persons who care for their dog, the service dogs that are, for example, the eyes and ears of the partially sighted and the hard-of-hearing. But not excluding exploring the relationship between police dogs and their handlers, those who work with cancer-sniffing dogs, and all the way through to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Public having a pet dog or two.

1The Statistics Portal

.. explore the range of relationships that humans have with dogs.

If, dear reader, you fancy working with me and can comfortably reply to the following questions, then I want to hear from you!

  1. Where were you born?
  2. Were there dogs in your family home from an early age?
  3. When did you first have a direct relationship with a dog?
  4. Describe that relationship.
  5. Do you presently have a dog in your life?
  6. And if so, what is the name of your dog and how did this dog come into your life?
  7. Finally, can you articulate more or less in a single sentence just what having a dog in your life means to you?

These questions can apply equally to persons who have a dog in their life as part of the family and to those who work with dogs in their professional lives, those who train dogs, hunt with dogs, and those who care for dogs.

If all of this hasn’t put you off then email me at paulhandover (…at…) gmail (…dot…) com putting ‘Book Two’ in the email title. I will then contact you directly looking at the best way to listen and record your answers to those questions.


15 thoughts on “Book Two – Clarity at last!

  1. 1. Where were you born?
    2. Were there dogs in your family home from an early age?
    3. When did you first have a direct relationship with a dog?
    Before I could walk
    4. Describe that relationship.
    Hard to say, but there was some weariness on my part as we were both about the same size, and she was stonger
    5. Do you presently have a dog in your life?
    6. And if so, what is the name of your dog and how did this dog come into your life?
    Sam (rescued from the street), Boris (rescued from the street), Brother (rescued from the street), Nina (rescued from the street).
    7. Finally, can you articulate more or less in a single sentence just what having a dog in your life means to you?
    Pleasure and fun


  2. Just been across to my email inbox and seen all the emails sent by so many of you. That is wonderful and a tremendous help. It will take me a little while to reply individually but rest assured that I will! Thank you so much! 😍


  3. Perhaps you could also include a little bit about dog walkers and dog sitters too… I saw a really lovely lady (who said she was the local dog walker for Northwich) walking 10 dogs at once. Five were running loose, and five, including a very bouncy spaniel puppy, were on leashes. The dynamics between the dogs and their obvious adoration of the Walker was amazing. I met a second woman in the same area walking her own four Border Collier/ Husky crossed breed dogs too…again the dynamics between the four dogs was lovely. Pack mentality in dogs can be so beneficial to the dog and doesn’t have to be menacing to humans but rather even more meaningful.

    Good luck with what sounds to be a great book.


    1. I am up to interviewing, either in person or via the telephone, anyone who has a dog or two in their lives. And when I say ‘anyone’ I mean just that!

      With six dogs here at home, down from twelve when we moved here five years ago, the way that dogs interact, especially in our case when playing out in the woods on the property, is just fabulous.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Good people, I must tell you that your emails and suggestions are helpful beyond measure. They have resulted in me re-thinking the Vision for the book and the Title. Thank you. More details when I have worked this all through!


  5. Paul and excellent presentation to the workings of your new book.. And I so wish you every success in its creation. publication and sales..
    And I am certain you will not go short on people willing to participate to helping you gather such information..
    Wishing you and Jean a Most wonderful weekend..


  6. This is terrific Paul. The ideas are flowing … and I love it. I do like the idea of exploring different relationships between humans and dogs. Insights from groomers, dog walkers and pet sitters would be fun! Service people, policemen, humane society peeps would also be interesting!
    It reminds me of the movie The Secret Lives of Dogs,(which I loved!) but instead making it the secret lives of humans with their dogs.
    I feel I have had a fairly mundane relationship with all my dogs. No acts of heroism, or much anguish … save for Roger, our talkative English Cocker who liked to sneak out and walk down the middle of a busy road in Cheshire.
    Of course, I would be happy to give you input at any time! xo


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