A tiny bite of this could kill your dog!

Please read, digest and share as widely as you can!

Fellow author, Deborah Taylor-French, recently posted a stark warning for all dog owners. Deborah wrote on her blog, Dog Leader Mysteries, the following:

1 thing more toxic than chocolate for dogs

More toxic than chocolate?

Yes, and it’s everywhere.

Please visit my guest blog post on 4Knines blog “One common thing that is more toxic than chocolate for dogs”  Then please comment! Of course, after you comment, I’d love it if you would share far and wide for the love and lives of dogs. After working on this post for about a month I shared it as a guest post so that it may reach a larger audience of dog lovers, beyond my WordPress blog.

(I also can’t resist including the following photograph of Deborah and Syd that was in that post!)

Syd the kid!
Syd the kid!

So the balance of my post today is a full republication of Deborah’s guest post as it appeared over on 4knines blog.


One Common Thing That is More Toxic Than Chocolate for Dogs!

27 thoughts on “A tiny bite of this could kill your dog!

      1. Just saw this Paul… i have a post lined up.. but What I will do Paul is add a link to the bottom of it if that is ok with yourself.. for my post contains animals.. 🙂 Hugs Sue xxx


  1. Paul, I’m a bit worried because my mother fed my deer Chihuahua some chicken soup (no bones, just the chicken and potatoes) but it may have had an onion. I guess nothing happened because it was a week ago. The bit of onion was cooked also. Now she knows not to giver her anything with onions. She does enjoy so home cooked food though, and I let her have it because it’s all steamed and very fresh. My mother also enjoys this dog so much, I let her get involved also. We give her scrambled eggs on occasion, steamed rice, and dry dog food, but she really dreads the dog food now. Any thoughts?


    1. Maria, Jean and I have just read your response. Jean’s view is that the small amount of cooked onion wasn’t going to be a problem. Jean also feeds our dogs boiled beef liver and hearts cut fine and mixed into the dry dog food. The juices from the cooked meats are also added. Jean thinks this may tempt your Chihuahua to eat the dog food.

      Do let us know and, of course, if you were concerned you should speak to a qualified vet rather than take advice from us loving amateurs! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That sounds like a good idea, because my dog is really beginning to reject her dry food. Canned dog food is sometimes welcome but that one gives me the chills with all the fat and additives it contains. This dog is a darling and she might end up just eating healthy cooked food because we want her to have a long and healthy life.


      2. Again, read out your further reply to Jean. Jean said that the food she cooked every day for our dogs was in lieu of using canned dog food. Would it help if you and Jean chatted together over the phone? If so, I’m sure we can set that up.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Maria, thank you. If you are happy to purchase the book from this blogsite then that increases the amount that goes to the Humane Society! (I’m assuming you are in the USA?) Thank you again!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. You’re wecome! Yes, I’m in P.R., but it’s a U.S. territory and commonwealth. I’m also vegetarian, so I sometimes feel I make difficult choices when I feed the dog. I don’t like promoting the slaughtering of animals when I feed my dog.


      5. This time I read the order confirmation slowly and carefully! It’s an eBook order so you should have access to it directly. Sing out if you have any difficulty in obtaining the download. I’m still learning how the processes work!


  2. Someone raised the question of peanut butter and food safety for dogs.

    We have a neighbour and good friend who, by profession, is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. I forwarded the query to him and received the following reply:

    We’ve known about xylitol toxicity in dogs for quite some time now. The problem is that it has a lot of beneficial properties for humans and hence is found in a wide variety of foods, chewing gum, mouth washes, and other products. As a sugar substitute, it’s a sweetener without calories and can help with weight loss, diabetic control, and tooth decay. It actually has antibacterial properties in the mouth and can reduce periodontal disease and has many other health benefits. However…. for dogs it is a deadly poison.

    It has 2 potentially lethal effects: 1) the canine pancreas is fooled into thinking that xylitol is glucose and consequently it secretes insulin which causes a profound and life-threatening hypoglycemia 2) and at higher doses it can cause hepatic necrosis (ie. it trashes the liver).

    Hypoglycemia can occur with doses as low as 0.1 gram xylitol per kg of body weight (about 0.45 gram per pound). Hepatic necrosis occurs at higher doses: 1 gram per kg (ie. 10 X higher). A typical stick of gum can contain 0.3 – 0.4 g xylitol, so it is possible for a 10 lb dog to be poisoned by eating a stick and a half of gum. I have seen a few of these cases over the years and usually they involve small dogs eating chewing gum containing xylitol.

    The prognosis is good for hypoglycemic dogs if treated quickly and aggressively. Dogs showing signs of hepatic necrosis do not fare so well. As yet, there have been no cases (nor studies) of xylitol toxicity in cats, so the jury is still out.

    If xylitol ingestion/toxicity is suspected, get your dog to the vet immediately, or if not possible, induce emesis with oral 3% hydrogen peroxide. Activated charcoal is a waste of time since it does not adsorb xylitol. Always remember the adage “The dose makes the poison”: a 120 lb Rottweiler that eats one stick of gum will probably be OK.

    The question was: is peanut butter safe for dogs? Most common peanut butter brands are safe, but ALWAYS READ THE LABEL! We frequently use peanut butter to administer pills. However, xylitol is being used in peanut and other nut butter brands typically marketed in health-food stores, potentially posing a risk to pets that may be fed the products by their unsuspecting owners. At least five companies add xylitol to peanut butters. The brand names are Go Nuts, Hank’s Protein Plus Peanut Butter, Krush Nutrition, Nuts ‘n More and P28. Always check the ingredients list on the label for xylitol: the higher on the list, the greater the percentage.

    I hope this helps, Paul. Let me know if you have any other questions or need more info.

    What a fabulous and comprehensive reply. Thanks Jim.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jim for weighing in on this topic as a veterinarian. I appreciate your experience, knowledge and expert medical advice. This adds to my knowledge on the toxicity of this human product ingredient.


  3. Dr. Jim then sent me a further piece of good advice:

    Paul, In my e-mail I forgot to throw this last bit of important info out to you: (from the ASPCA’s website)

    Keep this phone number handy: (888) 426-4435

    This is the number for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, a 24-hour service whereby you can speak directly to a veterinary toxicology specialist. In addition to advice, you will receive a case number which your veterinarian can use for further consultation at no additional charge.
    Consultations are approximately $65, but if your pet has a HomeAgain microchip and is enrolled in the full service registration program, poison control consultations are free. Simply provide your pet’s microchip number to the person on the phone. Any brand of microchip can be registered in the HomeAgain program for a small fee by calling 1-888-HomeAgain.


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