This is the dog!


Yesterday, Julie, Richard’s wife back in England, sent me a photograph of what some unknown dog lover has put on one of the walls of their home.

I can’t find the words to better what is written on that wall.

To increase the impact for you, dear reader, seeing this for the first time, it is presented with a ‘read more’ link.

In other words …..

It can’t be better expressed than that!


49 thoughts on “This is the dog!

  1. What a beautiful memorial. I think I’ve already told you, but every bottle of wine G and I open begins with a toast to every dog and cat we’ve lost, by name.


    1. Yes, I recall this. It’s a very beautiful tribute. Jean and I have the ashes of all the dogs we have lost over the last ten years. They will be buried with us when it’s our time. Thank you, John. Please pass on our fondest regards to G.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Paul. Funnily enough many people ask me if I do Reiki … it seems that my hands give off a lot of healing energy / Prana. I am very attuned to the healing power of our own energy and happily will lay on hands to share some of this goodness for my yoga students in certain poses if they request it ❤️


      1. We understand that perfectly. As in this reply is being written as we finish breakfast in bed and sharing our bedspread are four of our six dogs: Oliver; Sweeney; Pedy; Cleo! Brandy and Ruby are close by on the carpet.


  2. Lovely remembrance of beloved friends! I am a cat lover and have lost quite a few over the years. Each and every one lives on in my heart even after decades.


    1. Thank you, Lyn, and a very warm and special welcome to this place. Yes, cats are very special animals as well. We used to have 7 ex-rescue cats here at home but over the years that has dropped down to just 3 now.


  3. That is truly what they have given us, a piece of the heart. It never gets easier there’s a dog, nor should it be. We are so lucky to have these loving beautiful creatures given so much of their love to us.


  4. It is beautiful and so true! Dogs’ love is something special and out of this world ❤ and I feel so blessed that I am having an experience of this type of love 🐶


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