Meet the dogs – Hazel

Hazel – our dog number six.

Last week Jean wrote about Casey. Slight difference this week in the sense that both Jean and I equally know the story of how Hazel came into our lives. So you are stuck with me today for the story of Hazel.



Picture of Hazel taken in the last twenty-four hours.
Picture of Hazel taken in the last twenty-four hours.

I first met Jean in Mexico; namely, in San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico to be precise.  Just a few days before Christmas, 2007.  At that time, Jean had 16 dogs, all of them rescues off the streets in and around San Carlos.  Jean was well-known for rescuing Mexican feral dogs.

In September, 2008 I travelled out to Mexico, via London-Los Angeles, with my Pharaoh. Jean and I have been together ever since.  In February, 2010, because we wanted to be married and to be married in the USA, we moved from San Carlos to Payson, in Arizona; some 80 miles North-East of Phoenix.

One morning, just a few days before we were due permanently to leave San Carlos and move our animals and belongings the 513 miles (827 km) to Payson, AZ, Jean went outside the front of the San Carlos house to find a very lost and disorientated black dog alone on the dusty street.  The dog was a female who in the last few weeks had given birth to puppies that had been weaned.  Obvious to Jean because the dog’s teats were still somewhat extended.

The dog had been abandoned outside in the street.  A not uncommon happening because many of the local Mexicans knew of Jean’s rescues over many years and when they wanted to abandon a dog it was done outside Jean’s house.  The poor people of San Carlos sometimes resorted to selling the puppies for a few Pesos and casting the mother dog adrift.

Of course the dog was taken in and we named her Hazel.  Right from Day One Hazel was the most delightful, loving dog and quickly attached herself to me.

The truest of love between a man and a dog!
The truest of love between a man and a dog!

Of all the dogs that we have here at home, and, trust me, many are extremely loving, my relationship with Hazel is precious beyond description.  She is in Pharaoh’s ‘group’ (Pharaoh, Hazel, Cleo, Sweeny and Dhalia) so sleeps in our bedroom at night.  Most nights Hazel is tucked up against me.

Plus frequently during the day Hazel will take an interest in what I am doing, as the next photograph illustrates.

Hazel taking an interest in my potterings.
Hazel taking an interest in my potterings.

Very little more that can be said without the risk of repeating myself.

If ever one wanted an example of the unconditional love that a dog can offer a human, then Hazel is that example.


Precious creature!

16 thoughts on “Meet the dogs – Hazel

  1. All your Dogs are lucky to have found a home with your good selves Paul and Jean,, But then I know too you feel yourselves lucky to have their unconditional Love.. 🙂 Lovely story..


      1. Awww…. thank you too for keeping up with Dreamwalker’s too .. I have been overworked recently and just too tired to log into WP.. and set a post on Schedule.. So I have neglected many followers posts.. It was good to have a quick catch up… Enjoy the rest of your Day?Evening, 🙂


  2. I read this yesterday. I am in awe;). Hazel looks like an adorable young lady. I am so happy she found her way to you and your wife.


      1. Nancy, thank you and welcome to the blog. Did we know each other when Jean and I were living in Payson? (Apologies if we did. my memory isn’t what it used to be!)


      2. Oh No, No, No… I am new to Arizona. But we have become instant friends as YOU ARE AN ANIMAL LOVER! YOU lived in PAYSON??? Wow it is such a beautiful place. I will be checking in to see what you are up to over at your Blog…that is! 🙂 Come see me at
        I am new at this blogging thing… but I am having fun!


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