Learning from Joe’s death.

Safeguarding our dearest animal companions.

The story of Joe!
The story of Joe!

Yesterday, the guest post published by Suzan from Romania touched many of you.  In that guest post there was mention of the dog Joe.

Take Joe. Joe had been sold on Facebook and bought by dog-baiters, bitten so severely vets thought he would die. You’d think that’s turned him off to humans? But no! He was a beautiful 6yr-old Collie. He was awesome. He obeyed, loved and cherished us, giving cuddles, playing gently … I’ve never had such a beauty under my roof.

I also wrote that I would publish more today.  Taken directly from Mrs Skeats’ blog.


Joe died but his death is still carrying a message.

It’s 19th June 2014. Joe died 6 months ago on 23rd December 2013.

Joe was a 6 year old beautiful boy taken from us after only 10 months by a cruel twist .. an accident due to a lack of information .. so I started a mini campaign. And I’ve just read about another poor soul, a friend of a friend, having to wait to see if his dog will survive a stick injury. Heartbreaking.

Ok so writing about it channelled my grief but the whole thing goes beyond that.

What was to be thought a rare, freak accident turned out to be all too familiar to vets and families worldwide. What was thought to be a personal kick in the nuts turns out to be a case of ignorance that is most definitely not bliss.

I received hundreds of comments on my first post after Joe died. I received hundreds of facebook and twitter comments too. The current ‘WordPress’ views are at over 139,000 which is great, and yet not enough. Dogs are still being treated for nasty stick injuries, vets see a few each month. I can’t preach and say stop it, but I can let anyone and everyone who cares know what a potential danger stick throwing is: better than being totally ignorant of the risks.

What happened to Joe, and happens to dogs all over the world at a frighteningly too-often rate, was borne of ignorance, stupidity, even years of “that’s what we do with dogs”. We simply never thought about the consequences it could bring.

Historically, when man decided to have dogs as pets and not merely working companions (not all that long ago in the UK) chasing a stick was a favourite game. We’ve all seen the old adverts in faded yellows and reds with a boy, stick in hand and his faithful dog panting happily as he waits for the ‘toy’ to be thrown. Why should we think it’s dangerous? We see things like celebs on the One Show with their dog, happily throwing it a stick, or in videos…. Dogs and stick throwing seems synonomous.

These are but a few stories of reasons why we should try and change this ……………..

The story of Joe just a few days after he died.

London dog saved from near death in stick scare.

Narrow escape for a Border Collie.

The list goes on.

Please think twice before you throw a stick for your dog to chase.

In memory of a beautiful dog, whose life will not ever have been in vain, but will mean so much more if we save others from pain.
In memory of a beautiful dog, whose life will not ever have been in vain, but will mean so much more if we save others from pain.


Please follow those links that Suzan included and read the articles. The message is clear.  If you are the owner of a dog or play with dogs, don’t ever throw them a stick to catch.

As with yesterday’s post, please share this as widely as you can.

Thank you.

6 thoughts on “Learning from Joe’s death.

  1. Dogs seem to naturally love sticks, when one brings a random stick to you then the temptation is to throiw the stick for them. I think proper toys is wise, though accidents are going to happen regardless of how careful an individual is with their animal.


    1. You are quite right in saying how tempting it is to throw sticks for dogs. Both Jean and I plead guilty in this regard. Especially with young Oliver, our latest addition, who so naturally wants to retrieve.


    1. Dearest sister, how lovely to receive your comment. A real joy to see it first thing in the day. (It’s 5:30 am.)

      Plus, I’m delighted to explain that Joe was not one of our dogs but a rescue dig belonging to Suzan in Romania. I republished her story simply to spread the message.

      Going to send you an email later on, fondest love, Paul


  2. Thank you Paul for sharing this story How devastating it must have been for Joe and the family… I hope now many more are aware of the dangers of stick throwing and can be saved from such tragic incidents..
    Joe looked to have been a wonderful Pet despite his terrible ordeal in life… Shows just how Dogs love and move on as they give of themselves in Unconditional love to those who care..
    Blessings Sue


    1. Sue, Jean and I were discussing just this about dogs an hour ago. That they don’t judge us, don’t think: “He looks a bit old and cranky this morning – think I’ll leave him alone for a while,” they come to us with fully open hearts. If only mankind could learn just that one aspect of dogs! What a difference that would make.


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