6 thoughts on “Apologies for there being no post

  1. Paul, I think that you are amazing and committed to be able to write a
    post every day. I often think of both of you and wonder how you are
    doing. You wouldn’t know that because I haven’t let you know that.
    You’re a “neighbor” and yet we wouldn’t know it because of the lack of
    contact of any kind. I would love to spend a little time with both of
    you if that would be possible. I would love to have you come over and
    have a cup of something and more important to me is to have the
    opportunity to spend that time face to face. Your statement that you had
    “one of those days” can mean so many things but usually it’s not a good
    thing. If you feel like it please call me. Belinda 541-471-0675

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Paul,
    I love what Belinda wrote above…

    Please don’t worry about not writing a post. Every post you write is a gift to your readers, but life just gets complicated sometimes, and you are not under any obligation to keep a schedule! I hope all is well in your world.

    Warmest Wishes,
    Paul K


    1. Oh Paul, thank you! What Belinda wrote was so very kind and you have added to that. I know I don’t get many readers and some day the blog will stop. But something keeps me at it, and I enjoy blogging as well, so for now I will carry on.

      Liked by 1 person

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