So little time.

The pain of knowing Dhalia is close to death.

It’s almost incomprehensible to realise that less than two weeks ago, the 27th March to be exact, I wrote a post under the title of Life, and mortality.  These few paragraphs will give you a feel for that post:

Possibly the most important lesson we can learn from dogs!

I was aware when writing the concluding part of Meet the dogs – Pharaoh that the next day I would be faced with writing about a subject that is a whole degree more difficult. Death!

It must have been in my mind when I wrote “of the need to smell the flowers in this short life of ours.“

What has prompted today’s post?

Simply that Dhalia developed a limp in her front, right-hand, leg. That was a few weeks ago. Naturally, we took her to our local vet, Dr. Codd, who diagnosed a strained elbow joint probably as a result of arthritis; Dhalia is believed to be ten-years-old. With the recommended medication, the limp came to an end.

Then about two weeks ago, the elbow weakness appeared in her left-hand, front leg.

On Monday, we returned to Dr. Codd who took further X-rays and sought a second opinion. That second opinion came back with the probability that it was a “osteoproliferative neoplastic lesion” or bone cancer to you and me! It’s not one-hundred-per-cent certain but likely.

The reason it feels so painful is that today (Sunday) it’s very clear to Jean and me that Dhalia’s life forces are ebbing away and that tomorrow morning (i.e. your today, dear reader) we will be taking Dhalia back to Dr. Codd, undoubtedly for him to put her to sleep.

I had in mind writing this week a series of posts on Truth, Trust and Community.  For obvious reasons those posts are on hold for a couple of days.

Please keep Dhalia in your thoughts.

Dhalia, just two weeks ago. She was already barely using her right front-leg.
Dhalia, just two weeks ago. She was already barely using her right front-leg.

10 thoughts on “So little time.

  1. I’m so sorry… what a horrible thing to go through, especially since you’ve also lost a dear catfriend in the past week..


  2. So sorry to read this… Der letzte Gang (the last walk) as we say it here in Germany… is never an easy one. I will never forget this scenario with our loved Golden Retriever Jessy… her being 13 and full of cancer… that walk to the vet was the hardest one I ever did… So I can just imagine what you must be going through. Sending positive thoughts your way…


  3. Can’t help but keep Dhalia in my thoughts along with so many other innocent souls …
    So sad especially after George’s loss .Too much pain to go through,dear Paul. ((( hugs ))) and ♥ ,Doda x


  4. It’s a little after 6am here in Oregon. The light of the dawn is stealing across the sky creating dark silhouettes of the tall trees. The dawn chorus is underway. The start of what looks like a lovely Spring day.

    Then I am aware of Dhalia’s laboured breathing as I read your beautiful, touching comments, especially ‘the last walk’, and know the next few hours are going to be painful.

    But also know how special it is to have this pain shared. Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts.


    1. Dear Jean and Paul, I am so sorry to read this. I thought she had more time. A very special girl. I’ll always remember her as an escape artist! Will call tomorrow.


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