52 thoughts on “About this Blog

  1. Haha, guess what, Paul? I have nominated you for a versatile blogger award, but this time it’s coming from me as Limebirdkate.

    Don’t worry about having to follow up on it. There’s actually a lot of work to do with it (IMO), but I did it for you because I thought it would be nice publicity.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Paul,
    I just did a little blog about my dog and human experiences and this led me to find your website. Great work.
    Like you and patrice ayme, I am devoted to an enlightenment that is rather basic: truth, integrity, meaning what you say &c. My blogs touch on current issues.
    However, the focus of my website is different–it attempts to formalize the consequences of such an approach. I’ve had some success and look forward to linking with others with similar aspirations, but different goals and projects.
    Have a look at http://thee-online.com and let me know what you think.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Warren, took a very quick look at website/blog and was intrigued, to say the least. Watched your video on the ‘home page’ but found it raised a number of questions. Need to explore your content more carefully later on. Certainly found your piece about your dog Mali interesting, see http://www.thee-online.com/blog/post/Animal-Reality-Can-We-do-any-Better.aspx for other readers. We have 11 dogs here in Payson and there’s no doubt in my mind that dogs have a way of living in the present, unimpeded by the past, that we humans could really learn from.

      So appreciate you calling by and hope that we can stay in contact, Paul


  3. Small dog breeds tends to fertile much faster than middle dog breeds and big dog breeds. Fertility periods can also vary from their breed, not just their size. So, it is best to check the list of dog breeds or consult your vet in order to identify what the most favorable times for mating are. In some cases, you’ll also have to go through some trial and error just to learn what works for your female dog. By following all of these advices, you will be able to have good and healthy puppies in a few months’ time.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I would like to say I love your blog and the wonderful and beautiful things you share as well as the inspiration and smiles you bring in doing so! Thank you for being you and I hope even if you do not accept awards you will accept the sentiment expressed as I honor you with one. There is no prize that comes with the award other than my appreciation and being grateful you are part of our world and making a difference by sharing in such a positive way…
    I have posted the award and link to it here I hope you will accept it or at least the sentiment behind it! http://artisticlyxpressedthoughts.wordpress.com/2014/03/27/awards-and-shared-gifts/

    With love,

    Liked by 1 person

  5. hi Paul-

    i ran across your blog in search of like-minded folks who recognize that our culture’s values are a fast-track to a dead-end… coincidentally, i just recently published a post about lessons learned from my dog; perhaps you will enjoy it… in any event, i’m a writer and former “wall street guy” who, having realized the mess we’re making of this planet with our greed and pursuit of senseless, vapid “values”, tossed all that away to move deep into a little cabin deep the mountains in search of some answers… i spend most of my time exploring, learning from and writing about nature and her lessons… if you have a chance, i hope you’ll stop by and check out my blog… i’ve bookmarked yours and hope to spend more time here, as my painfully slow backwoods internet connection allows…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Paul,
    I’m Delighted to have you following my site. I believe like minded folks cross our paths at crucial times in our life. Sadly we lost our “Harley” in November. He was a full bred pit. He was 16, and the most loving member of our family. I cried bitterly for months. I have recently become fascinated with behavior, body language, and all aspect of our canine friends. Especially our actions and reactions to their behaviors. I’m excited to read your postings.
    Your New Friend, and Blog Follower,
    Anastasia 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One of our rescue dogs, Casey, is a pit and a most friendly and loveable animal would be hard to find. These are the times in the affairs of man where learning how to behave from our dogs is critical to our future. Best wishes, Paul.


    1. Karen, that is very kind and generous of you. Thank you so much. I’ve just been across to your place and signed up to follow your own writings; can’t understand why I didn’t do that before now.


  7. Hi Paul 🙂 We haven’t met before, but I have arrived here via a recommendation from Sue Dreamwalker (Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary). She suggested you might be able to help me out 🙂 I am a Canine Psychology Student working towards a degree in Canine Psychology. I have a way to go yet, but the current course requires that I do a “Special Study”. The topic I have been given in Canine Nutrition. As I’m sure you know this can have a big impact on a dog’s behaviour. This study requires that I do a survey re what people feed their dogs, with the intention that I create comparison charts and discuss the whole subject in some depth. I am hunting for kind-hearted dog owners who would be prepared to participate and answer 3 short questions. No personal details will be included. It is just a fact finding mission! I wondered if maybe you would be willing to participate? Or maybeyou know others who would? The questions are: 1) What do you feed your dog? 2) Why did you choose this food? and 3) How many times per day do you feed your dog? Breed of dog would also be interesting if you felt so inclined 🙂 I am finding it difficult to drum up interest amongst local “real-world” dog owners round my location and standing in the middle of London asking strangers in the street might get me punched!!!! I would welcome any assistance you could offer, but of course there is absolutely no obligation to respond in any way, and that is fine. I totally understand and it is not a problem 🙂 Many thanks for taking the time to read this, and have a lovely day.
    Europa’s Icewolf, Alpha Female of the Europa Pack 🙂 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Glad I found you and I look forward to reading your posts. My wife and I have two large dogs a Great Pyranees and an Anatolian Aukbash mix, along with five cats. All rescues as was our husky who passed away three years ago. I believe they teach us so much more than we teach them. My wife is currently the Pennsylvania state coordinator and the transport coordinator for the National Great Pyranees Rescue. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello Paul, Just purchased your book on Amazon. I look forward to reading it. I have been meaning to buy it sooner, however, I am so busy with everyday life and then of course there is the eye disorder, making reading something I have to limit. Karen 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I already love your writing so I am sure I will love the book (the kindle), however, I am going buy the print version for my daughter who is passion about dogs and other precious animals. Karen 🙂


  10. Hi Paul. Kristen RN (from Riverbend ICU) here. I finally made it to read your blog and am happy to see you writing again. I had faith you would regain your skill. Glad to see your healed up and living life.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hello there,

    We’re interested in advertising on your site.

    Could you please let me know what advertising options you offer?

    Thanks for your time.

    Karen Smith
    Content Ambassador

    +1 (601) 298-4431

    Liked by 1 person

  12. You know a lot about dogs and people.
    And I know a scientist who knows how to make a device for translating speech from dogs to people and from person to dog.
    His name is Mr. Shelia Guberman. (guboil@hotmail.com)
    Do you know anyone who wants to do this?
    Shelia Guberman
    The aim of that project is to answer the question: is dog’s brain able to use our language.

    the natural demand of any kind of human communication is the physical ability of both corresponding persons produce and receive signals of some language. For oral communication the respondents have to have the mouth and at least one ear. For written communication both have to have a sophisticated hand and at least one eye. After a communication channel is invented and developed it is possible to over go these demands, but in the historical course of establishing a new communication channel the mentioned demands are inevitable. The essence of the problem is that one respondent can learn the language from another respondent (which already knows the language), if 1) he can receive the communication symbol (for example a spoken word), 2), he is able in principle physically reproduce the symbol, and 3) he is able to compare the symbol received from the teacher with the symbol he produced himself when imitating.
    Some communications between man and dog are well known and sometimes they are amassing, but still all of them are far from use of human language at the level of two or three years old child. It is obvious that to establish a written communication channel between a man and a dog is not realistic – the movement control of dog’s leg (or tail) are not enough sophisticated. The oral ability of a dog looks not so bad – the repertoire of dog’s sounds is not as reach as human’s one but is not so poor. The problem is – the set of sounds, which a dog can produce is quite different from the set of sounds of human language. So the regular process of learning language can’t be performed – the dog is physically unable to imitate the sounds of human language. As a matter of fact the dogs can differentiate a small number of humans words by recognizing them as abstract symbols: by the length of words, by the value of the pich of the accented vowel, by the position of the peach in the word. In the long and unsuccessful history of computer speech recognition that was one of the approaches and it was qualified as “dog-loike speech recognition”).

    To overcome these limitation – the inability of dogs to reproduce sounds of human language – one have to do two things. First, develop a substitution table – for every sound of human language (phoneme) choose a sound from the set of sounds available to dogs. It seems reasonable to find in dog’s sounds some which are vowel-like, and some, which are consonant like. Of course it will be enough to establish correspondence not for all phonemes of human language but, may be, for a half. Second to create the environment in which the human speech will be substituted by an appropriate sequence of corresponding dog phonemes (i.e. translated from human phonetic domain to dog phonetic domain). Contemporary technology make it possible. Human speach goes to microphone and then to the computer. The computer analyzes the word and represent the sequence of phonemes that constitute the word. Then each phoneme in that sequence is substituted by corresponding dog’s phoneme and the result – the word represented in dog phonetic language – is reproduced in the head-phones of the dog. That closes the gap which now prevents establishing a communication channel between the man and the dog: the dog can reproduce the communication signals he received from the man. AS soon as the dog can reproduce them it will be able to compare his signal with the input signal and – as time is going – improve its performance. Correspondently, each word pronounced by the dog will be translated by the computer from dog’s phonetic to human phonetic. So if the dog will correctly pronounce a sequence of sounds that represent in his phonetic the word “home” the man will hear in his headphone the word “home”. Then we have to be rationed and after the dog will spend a year or two (how much it takes for a child?) in such environment we will start to listen that our dog is talking with us. Or not. I believe that dog’s brain is enough developed to learn language. But in case of negative result it will push us to learn what misses dog’s brain., which is necessary\ for learning language.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is such a long comment to introduce yourself. Welcome to this place!

      I was first concerned by the various names and I had to be cautious but I feel now that is a genuine reply.

      More later.


  13. I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading your dog and all the stories posted here. Keep up the good work. I recently started a dog blog myself and I know how to long it takes to make posts and keep the website up to date.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Courtney, a very warm welcome. I love writing about dogs and that’s because I have been inspired by the dogs we have here at home. Sixteen in previous times but we are now down to six. All tremendous characters and full of ❤️ love.


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