Friendship cat and dog style

It’s stories like this that put a smile on one’s face (and heart!).

Most evenings, after we have finished supper we go into the den, as we call it, and watch a few hours of television. This room has doors to the other rooms in the house and, therefore, during the day may be closed off. Reason why that is useful is that the den is home to our three cats.

Thus, after supper the dogs and the cats get to mingle together, as this photograph of Pedi and Mitts so well illustrates.

All of which is a great introduction to a post that was recently seen over on Mother Nature Network and is republished here for all you good people.


Removed because of copyright infringement.


That photograph of Henry and Baloo is so wonderful that I will close today’s post by sharing it with you again but cropped to really focus on them both.

Have a wonderful weekend!

29 thoughts on “Friendship cat and dog style

  1. This is a wonderful story, Paul 😀
    My two old cats at more than 14 years old did raise my dog, Odin. He will soon be 5 years old now. They were tough in his first week in the house, where he needed to learn, that they were the kings and he was only and would never be anything more than a prince…..
    Today, they go on together, but it demanded time, because my cats haven’t had so good experiences with dogs earlier. I lived in a forest, where many didn’t follow the rules about having their dogs at the leash. I didn’t mind this, if people had control over their dogs, but often the wrong people didn’t have either leash or control.
    Sometimes they sleep together now.


  2. I thought the second dog pictured was wearing a hat for a minute until I realised it was actually a cat 😉
    Love these stories of animals who become devoted friends, still hasn’t happened with ours but here’s hoping!


      1. Just asked Jeannie if she had any tips. But she couldn’t add anything. In our case, the cats and dogs are only together when we are sitting with them in the evening.


      2. I think they have a bit of a jealousy problem. Lotta gets a bit possessive over me if the cat tries to approach the sofa in the evening but to be fair the Mini has never been a cuddly cat. I also have to watch that Lotta doesn’t chase Mini. The cat walks past Lotta in slow motion it’s really quite hilarious to watch 😄


  3. Furbulous post!
    3 bum swings! 3 more! 💜
    Thank you. This post brings to mind my beloved Pop. An orange runt of a tabby who thought he was the King of the Woods. Pop always loved sleeping on my head. HuMom has many pics 😉
    I have a new orange tabby furiend, Jerry Underfoot but he doesn’t want to be my sleeping cap 😉

    Nose nudges,


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