We are what we think of most!

A republication of a recent post from Val Boyko.

Yesterday, Val published a post over on her blog Find Your Middle Ground that really ‘spoke’ to me. That’s not to imply, by the way, that her other posts don’t very often reach out to me and, undoubtedly, to many others.

Val’s post was called The Depths of our Relationships and explored the different levels of relationships that we have with others in and around our lives.

Instinctively most people would regard us humans as far more complex than our animal companions. As the old Devon (South-West England) expression goes, “There’s now’t so queer as folk.”

Yet, once we have really got to know a dog there will be many who will see behind those fabulous eyes a sense of a depth of character, a soul comes to mind, that suggests that the brain of the dog offers a canine psychological complexity most of us don’t allow for.

To support that proposition just look at the eyes of Pharaoh in this photograph going back to June, 2007.

Pharaohjun2007However, today I am  republishing Val’s recent post and I do so with great pleasure.


The Depths of our Relationships

9 thoughts on “We are what we think of most!

  1. Being somewhat obnoxious, I was preparing a little essay on a new methods to detect hypocrisy using the “we are what we think most of” approach, evoked by Paul above. The general idea is that the prominence of a train of thought to condemn this, that, or the other thing, is often a cover for the exact opposite of the official discourse being held. The obsession is prominent, but the message is dressed as the exact opposite of reality.

    (Nobody should be surprised that deception is so appealing: hunting is about surprise: the hunter will hide, or used deceitful tactrics; African Wild Dogs have several elaborated tricks they use to confuse prey. Homo Spaines is the top predator, hence quite friendly to canids, and reciprocally. So deception is a deeply human instinct, most satisfactory, deep inside.)

    Thus, if someone obsesses about homosexuality, or, say, even Donald Trump, or cruelty (against little beasties, a Nazi speciality), or rage against capital (as the top Soviets, those hyper-capitalists, used to), it is often because they are trying desperately to cover-up their true nature… In the best case, to others, in the worst case, to themselves.


    1. I agree about what you describe. That of an obsession, either by an individual or a group. But, as you undoubtedly read, Val’s essay was not about that aspect.

      (And I would never label you as obnoxious!)


      1. Absolutely, I liked very much Val’s essay. I just built up on your title, which I appreciated so much that it is one of my old… obsessions.


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